Despite being young, the Department of Fine Arts is flourishing rapidly and successfully training the best professional artists and designers in this region. We train students to fully understand their profession and to discern that they will be the agents of change in the years to come. As artists, they will be the conscience of the society and the torch bearers of aesthetics and beauty. Department of Fine Arts offers expertise in different aspects of Arts i.e., Drawing, Painting, Sculpture and Miniature. Our four years BFA painting program provides opportunities to students who want to explore the world of Arts in different ways. As designers, they will shape the future. Hence, we ask them to know their culture and craft so that their ideas can be expressed clearly, creatively, instantly and on demand. We believe in imparting an education which empowers our students to believe in themselves and discover their pearl in the oyster……which is the world! GC Women University Sialkot
Mr. Raza Ur Rehman
Incharge Fine Arts Department