DATE & TIME : 22-23 OCT 2019-9:00 TO 5:00
PRESENTER : Dr. Humaira dar , Dr. M. Ilyas, Dr. Zahid Yasin, Ms. Aliza Bsharat
Faculty, Students of BS Political Science 5th ,7th Semester, MS and PHD Political Science, BS IR 5th Semester
Dept of English and Dept of Sociology.
Department of Political Science has arranged two days’ workshop for the students of BS Political Science, International Relations, MS and PHD Political Science and all departments of Social Sciences to enhance the knowledge and capability of students of Social Sciences for future research and clear their confusion towards Research areas.
Various Resource persons have been called from different Departments of Social Sciences to share their views over research’s various areas, share their personal experience during their Master’s, M.Phil. And Doctoral research. Each session contain worthy information of different research areas. The resource persons help students who are going to conduct research or conducting their research i.e. MS 3rd semester and PHD. Resource persons tried their best to solve the queries of students regarding research.
Whole work shop was divided into four sessions and four sessions and consist of three and half hour average.
The 1st session resource person was Dr. Humaira Dar, Head of Dept. of Political science, GC Women University Sialkot. She present topic of ‘Recourses and their application in research and the use of reference software’ The main focus was on the introduction of research, types and use of research techniques. How research effects our daily life and what we are doing in research in today’s world. What are the main resources of research and types of sources has been shared?
She ensures students to use software’s instead of doing manual work, because there are more chances to lost data or forget data at the end of research which can create panic at the mean time. She presented the usage of ZOTERO software and student do practice over their laptops during the session. In question answer session Dr. Humaira Dar solve the main grievance of student regarding plagiarism connection with ZOTERO, she cleared the misconception very effectively.
Ms. Aliza Basharat from ITSC present the topic ‘MS Word as a tool in research’ she highlighted the small tools and techniques of MS word. She and her team done all work practically with students. The session was divided in various practicing modules in which her team from ITSC went to seat to seat to check students and solve their problems.
Dr. Muhammad Ilays Director Research GC Women University talked on the topic ‘Descriptive analysis’ students learn many techniques from his lecture and share feedback to him. In question answer session Dr. Muhammad Ilayas solve the main issues of student regarding theoretical framework and uses effective examples to make process easy.
And the last session of the workshop was presented by Dr. Zahid Yasin from Department of Political Science, presented a very important topic “Plagiarism: Issues and Challenges” students were very keen to listen this session. He highlighted the issues in research and also put a light on international challenges to plagiarism. His focus was on original research and avoidance of copying and stealing ideas from other’s work.
After sessions concluding session and closing ceremony has been arranged in which Vice Chancellor of GC Women University Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Kausar were invited, Students share their feedback in this session as well as Vice Chancellor of GC Women University Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Kausar share her opinion regarding research and importance of research in daily life. She mentioned research is not very easy task but research is necessary for all human being in various ways. She congratulated to the Department of Political Science on arranging this successful workshop.
In later part of concluding session Souvenir has been given to Dr. Muhammad Ilayas for delivering a worthwhile lecture to students at first day of workshop in first session, Dr Humaira Dar on her Presentation and in later part presented to the Focal Person of workshop Dr. Zahid Yasin and and Ms. Aliza Basharat.
All participants of workshop awarded with Participation certificates from Vice Chancellor of GC Women University Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Kausar. And Head of Department Dr. Humaira Dar.
At the end a group photo of Vice Chancellor of GC Women University Vice Chancellor of GC Women University Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Kausar. Resource persons, faculty and students have been taken.