Title of Event: Suicide Prevention Seminar
Department: Psychosocial Well-being Center
Dates of Event: September 28-2022
Time of Event: 10:30 am- 12:00 pm
Name of Society Conducting the event/activity/workshop/seminar: Psychosocial Well-being Center,
GC Women University and Department of Psychology, Sialkot.
Resource Person:
Dr. Syeda Sadia Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies Department, GC Women University,
Ms. Sara Ishaq Clinical Psychologist, Punjab Institute of Mental Health, Lahore.
Purpose of the event/activity/workshop/seminar
This is a one day training workshop specifically organized for students of GCWUS to help them
understand about warning Signs of Suicide, mitigating risk factors to reduce the means of suicide
or enhancing protective factors to build resilience can effectively reduce suicide rates, debunking
myths about suicide, stigma around suicide, mental health difficulties related to suicide, religious
perspective related to suicide.
Venue: Video Conference Room, GCWUS.
Signature with date and time of submission of news:
Maryum Arifeen (Student Counselor)
Dated: 26-09-2022