Statistics Chart Competition

Date: 11-03-2019
Time: 9-00-1:30
Total Duration: 4 hrs 30 min
Venue: Statistics Department
Organized By: Gaussian Statistical Society of Statistical Department
Event Type: Chart Competition
BS Students (2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th semester) of Statistics

It was an excellent event, the students proved that they are condensability in their work.


In statistics department all semesters showing their hidden ability through chart competition. Students of all running semesters of statistics prepared the charts by showing the application of their major subjects with statistics. They choose different topics of their major subject statistics and draw them graphically on charts. Miss Raheela (Incharge, Department of Mathematics), Miss Nuzhat (Incharge, Department of Chemistry) and Miss Zahida (Incharge, Department of Physcis) came in our event and appreciated all the students work and their abilities. Miss Raheela, Miss Ayesha Rana, Dr. Usman, and Ms. Mahwish (Incharge Department of Statistics) distributed prizes to 1st, 2nd, 3rd position holders. In other words, it was very wonderful and successful event.