International Social Worker’s Day

Venue: GCWUS Auditorium       |        Date: 26-03-2019
Organized by (Department of Sociology)


  • Mr. UmairRana, Mr. M. Murtaza and Ms. Khatija Khan (All Pakistan Social Worker Network Team)
  • Ms. Sara Naz (SOS Village,Sialkot)
  • Mr. Farooq Meyer (SCCI)
  • Mr. Jamshed (Bait ulMaal)
  • Ms. NasreenKhawaja (Insaan Foundation)
  • Mr. Zahid Khan (Sundus Foundation)
  • Mr. (Seerat Study Centre Sialkot)
  • Mr. Waqas Ahmad (Kashaf Foundation)
  • Ms. RabiaArmaghan (E-Educators)

The purpose of the seminar was to spread the word! March is International Social Work Month. Sponsored by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), this annual celebration recognizes the contributions of the nation’s more than 600,000 social workers.This year’s GCWUS- Department of Sociologytheme, “WITH HUMANITY FOR HUMNAITY-“Together we can Change” highlights the efforts of the sociologist &social work profession to bring about positive change in society and for individuals — from advocating for social justice to making a direct impact on the daily lives of millions of Pakistanis. Department of Sociology took a small step in Punjab to articulate others about sociology and social work’s history and scope. Although social workers impact the lives of millions, many people know little of our profession’s history or its scope of responsibilities. We can help change that!!! Share some of our history by posting videos and program pictures to GCWUS website and face book page of GCWUS and APSWN about our work and the issues we address by sharing some of these articles and info graphics:

i. “10 Most Influential Sociologist and Social workers in the History of Sociology and Social Work”
ii. “The Cultural Evolution of Sociology and Social Work”
iii. NGOs working in Sialkot and Punjab Province
iv. Sociologists and Social Work’s Role in Corporate Social Responsibility
v. Facing Mental Illness
vi. Motivational and Success Stories