Subjects’ Combinations


Physics, Chemistry, Biology.


Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics.

General Science

Economics, Stats, Mathematics.

Computer Science (I.C.S)

Group I Group II Group III
Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics
Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science
Statistics Economics Physics

Humanities (Arts Group)

Important Note:

Select only one from each group. Each subject has two hundred marks.

Group I Group II Group III Group IV
Economics History Education Persian
Psychology Fine Arts Islamiyat Elective Arabic
Civics Sociology Home Economics Urdu Literature
Philosophy English Literature

Fee Structure for Intermediate 2015-16

Admission Charges (one time only)
Particulars Amount
Admission 1000
Registration 1000
Library Security (Refundable) 1000
University ID Card 300
Total (A) 3300


Annual Charges Tuition Fee Computer Fee Other Charges Total (B) Grand Total (A+B)
Pre-Medical 2500 0 2000 4500 7800
Pre-Engineering 2500 0 2000 4500 7800
General Science 2500 0 1000 3500 6800
ICS / I.Com 2500 2400 1000 5900 9200
Arts 2500 0 1000 3500 6800

Important Note for arts / humanities:

The Intermediate classes will be offered subject choice depending on the class size in that subject which is minimum 20 students. In case of less than 20 students they will be offered to select other subjects where the class size is 20 students.


Important Note for Intermediate Students:

After Intermediate send-up exams, the test session will be started for academic improvement and to achieve eminent positions in board. It is an open offer for the students all around including private students to appear in the test sessions. These tests will be conducted under the supervision of subject experts. (The fee for these tests can be checked from the University office).